Page 17 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 17



                                                                                                                Y REPO

                         INPUTS AND                                                                             2021   SUST
                         RESOURCES         BUSINESS ACTIVITIES        OUTPUTS            VALUE CREATED
                                        Management of business
                     Investments        Financial risk management  Maximum enterprise   Brand reputation
         FINANCIAL   Sales Revenues     Marketing               value                Stakeholder
         CAPITAL                                                201.1 million ₺ Net   collaboration
                     Financial Revenues  Revenue growth         Turnover
                                        management                                   Employment
                                        Interaction with local
                     Stakeholder Requests  authorities          Trust building       Stakeholder value
         RELATIONAL   Company priorities  Supplier and customer   Risk reduction     Social development
         CAPITAL                        visits                  Transparency
                     Regulations and laws                       Brand reputation     Stakeholder diversity

                                                                Resource efficiency
                                        Sustainable product     Water savings
                                        production                                   Responsibility for the
                     Sustainability     Energy and water waste   Energy savings      environment and future
         NATURAL     Water              reduction projects      Waste reduction      generations
         CAPITAL                                                Sustainable resource
                     Energy             Waste reduction projects  management         Natural resource and
                                        Awareness-raising                            ecosystem awareness
                                        activities              Offsetting the 617.1 tons
                                                                of CO2e

                                        Investments in energy-
                                        saving machinery
                                        Investments in water-
         PRODUCED    Machinery and      saving machinery        Production increase  Decent work
         CAPITAL     Equipment          Maintenance and repair  Productivity         Work efficiency
                                        New investments
                                        Quality sustainability

                                                                Motivation           Equal opportunity
                     203 employees      Learning and development  Personal development
                                        Human rights, ethics, and   Productivity     OHS
                     Management Systems
         HUMAN       and Programs       equality                3.99 hours of training   Career and personal
         CAPITAL                        Employee communication  per employee         development
                     Company Values
                                        Foundation work         Transparency         Improved quality of life
                     Volunteer Projects  Joint university projects  Supply chain
                                                                improvement          Employment

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