Page 81 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 81

According to 85% of our
                  stakeholders who participated                                                                 2021   SUST
                  in the sustainability survey...
                  Gülipek Tekstil encourages
                  waste management
                  among its suppliers.                                                                          AINAB

                      Our employees were educated on the       We have worked to make the environment           ILIT
                      causes and impacts of environmental      useful while boosting our economic
                      pollution and climate change through     competitiveness and increasing the annual        Y REPO
                      environmental awareness training.        budget earmarked for the environment every
                      The various forms of pollution in        year from the day we were created, with the      R
                      our environment were highlighted.        awareness of the economic and resource           T
                      We provided our employees with an        impact of waste reduction at source.
                      explanation of the laws and agreements to
                      which we are subject, emphasizing their   Similar to previous years, the majority of our
                      significance.                            company’s projects in 2021 fell under the
                                                               category of environmental sustainability,
                                                               including wastewater reuse, waste recycling,
                                                               and emission management.

                                                                       In 2021, our employees
                                                                        underwent a total of
                                                                           124 hours
                                                                     of environmental training.

                                                                 We have not received any fines
                                                                   for environmental violations
                                                                     in the last 11 years.

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