Page 73 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2022
P. 73
Green IT stands out among Gülipek
Tekstil’s 2023 projects and makes efficient technol-
a great contribution to protecting ogy infrastructure
natural resources, reducing energy by using sustainable
equipment and materials.
consumption, and minimizing
environmental impacts by making Green data centers play
a critical role in the energy
information technologies envi- consumption and environmental
ronmentally friendly and energy impact of information technology.
efficient. While traditional data centers have
a negative impact on the environment
with high energy consumption, green data
Green IT offers solutions to increase energy centers offer a solution to this problem. En-
efficiency and improve electronic waste manage- ergy efficient hardware and cooling technol-
ment. These developments reduce the impact of ogies are used, while virtualization technology
information technology on the environment, and reduces energy consumption. Energy costs and
technologies such as server virtualization, storage carbon footprint will be reduced with the green
virtualization, and desktop virtualization are data centers to be established at Gülipek Tekstil.
used to ensure energy efficiency. Multiple virtual
servers or desktops can run on a single physical Virtualization and cloud computing are indispen-
server, significantly reducing energy consump- sable elements of Green IT projects. Virtualization
tion and space utilization. Unnecessary energy makes it possible to transform physical servers
consumption is prevented by switching to sleep into virtual servers with greater data processing
mode, which consumes low energy when not in capacity. This reduces hardware requirements
use with energy efficiency-oriented hardware. and increases energy efficiency. Cloud computing
With the integration of Green IT, more effective refers to a technology where computing resources
use of physical hardware will be ensured at Güli- are shared over the internet. Both technologies
pek Tekstil in 2023. are of great relevance in terms of energy savings,
efficient use of resources and environmental
One of the elements at the center of Green IT pro- sustainability. Gülipek Tekstil will increase energy
jects is electronic waste management. Electronic savings and use resources more efficiently by
waste poses a potential threat to the environment using these technologies.
and human health due to the toxic components
they contain. One of the solutions offered by Green IT projects represent an essential step
Green IT is the dismantling of electronic devices, towards achieving sustainability goals. Gülipek
recovering valuable materials and separating Tekstil reiterates its commitment to leave a more
them into reusable components. This reduces the livable world for future generations by contrib-
consumption of natural resources and minimizes uting to reducing the environmental impact of
the environmental impact of waste. information technologies, saving energy and
using resources efficiently. These projects also
The use of recycled materials prevents the deple- elevate the mission of contributing to an envi-
tion of natural resources and reduces environ- ronmentally friendly and sustainable future.
mental pollution. Hardware and electronic devices
manufactured with energy efficient components
contribute to energy savings. Gülipek Tekstil aims
to create an environmentally friendly and energy
GRI 2-23, GRI 2-24, GRI 3-3 69