Page 8 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2022
P. 8
Dear Members of the Board, manner by implementing a secure
Esteemed Colleagues, and stock program on the raw mate-
Beloved Stakeholders, rial side.
This report has been Since our inception in
prepared to shed light 2019, our transit fac-
on the challenging tory engaged in PPE
global circumstanc- production witnessed
es while sharing additional machine and
the resilience and revision investments to
success strategies offer better services in
our company has speed, flexibility, and
demonstrated against quality assurance. This
these challenges. The investment provided
Russia-Ukraine war, us with the opportunity
which began in February, to further develop our
along with the tragedies market network, product
faced by innocent people diversity, and sustainability in
and its regional repercussions, ALİ GÜLGEÇ quality and customer satisfaction.
deeply affected numerous sectors Board Chairman Additionally, alongside our yarn sales
worldwide. In alignment with global activity, we launched fabric develop-
events, we navigated market shifts ment projects based on confidentiality
with exceptional adaptability. Despite global events agreements according to our customers’ demands.
deeply impacting not only our industry but the entire
business landscape, we continued to achieve success With all these efforts and newly developed projects,
through our robust financial foundations, flexible in line with the increased demand and capacity in the
business strategies, and solution-oriented policies outdoor sector, we acquired a 28,750 m2 plot in Yalova
created with sensitivity. During these challenging Avrasya OSB in March 2022, laying the foundations
times, we remained focused on our sustainable for our new yarn production facility, with an initial
growth objectives as a company, striving to overcome phase of 12,000 m2 covered area, in November 2022.
challenges through crisis management and agile Upon its operation in 2023, our new facility will triple
strategies. Despite the market impact of the war, our capacity and double our exports. With our newly
increased energy costs since December 2021, and established factory, we contributed to employment
recession signals in export regions, particularly in and social development while achieving our goal of
Europe, our company, operating in fashion, PPE, and creating a green building, reducing our ecological
outdoor sectors, managed to close the year 2022 with footprint.
a 40% increase in revenue. In this context, we focused on projects that would
Even under such challenging conditions, we took further centralize sustainability. By increasing our
steps in all our projects and budget planning, fore- investments in human resources, innovation, technol-
seeing the prolonged impact of the war. We carefully ogy, and R&D activities, we developed a comprehen-
evaluated the reflections of this distressing period on sive vision to position our company as a sustainable
our financial and energy policies, foreseeing a greater industry leader of the future. Thus, we aim not only to
impact on our costs starting in 2023 through customer excel in our industry but also to contribute to global
and supply chain forecast studies. sustainable development goals.
With additions and alterations made to our fashion Your support and collaboration, esteemed stakehold-
collections and portfolio variations, we felt the more ers, have formed the foundation of our company’s
positive effects of value-added products and our cus- achievements during this period. With the same
tomer range in the latter half of the year. To sustain determination and dedication, we will continue to
these successes, we reevaluated our necessary equip- progress as a sustainable and growing company, over-
ment, process controls, supply chains, product ranges, coming global challenges in the future.
and sales policies for 2023 and beyond. Apart from Best Regards,
participating in fairs, we emphasized face-to-face
customer visits, primarily in America and Japan. We
also activated our environmentally friendly collection,
updated biannually, faster and in a more sustainable
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