Page 108 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 108


                               305-1 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1)               Page 94,95

                GRI 305 Emissions   305-2 Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2)        Page 94,95
                2016           305-3 Other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3)                Page 94,95
                               305-5 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction                       Page 90,91,95
                               GRI 306 WASTE 2020
                               103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                           Page 39, 40, 41
                GRI 103
                Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                             Page 98,99
                Approaches 2016
                               103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                         Page 98,99
                               306-1 Waste generation and specific waste-related impacts           Page 98
                               306-2 Management of specific waste-related impacts                  Page 98,99
                GRI 306 Waste 2020
                               306-3 Waste generated/emerging                                      Page 98,99
                               306-4 Waste not sent for disposal (re-used, recycled, etc.)         Page 98,99
                               GRI 308 SUPPLIER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2016
                               103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                           Page 39, 40, 41
                GRI 103
                Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                             Page 33, 35, 38, 42
                Approaches 2016
                               103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                         Page 33, 35, 38 ,42
                GRI 308 Supplier
                Environmental   308-1 New suppliers audited on environmental criteria              Page 33, 35, 38, 42
                Assessment 2016

                                          GRI 400 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS SET                      DISCLOSURES
                               GRI 401 EMPLOYMENT 2016
                               103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                           Page 39, 40, 41
                GRI 103
                Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                             Page 61-66
                Approaches 2016
                               103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                         Page 61-66
                               401-1 Recruits and employee turnover                                Page 61,63,66
                GRI 401        401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees                      Page 62-65
                Employment 2016
                               401-3 Parental leave                                                Page 62-65
                               GRI 403 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 2018
                               103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                           Page 39, 40, 41
                GRI 103
                Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                             Page 56-60
                Approaches 2016
                               103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                         Page 56-60
                               403-1 Occupational health and safety management system              Page 56-60
                               403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and case investigation  Page 56-58
                               403-4 Worker engagement, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety  Page 56,57,58,60
                GRI 403        403-5 Occupational health and safety-related worker training        Page 56,57,58
                Occupational    403-6 Incentives for worker health protection                      Page 56-60
                Health and
                Safety 2018    403-7 Prevention of occupational health and safety impacts directly related to labor relations  Page 56-60
                               403-8 Workers covered by occupational health and safety management system  Page 56-60
                               403-9 Work-related injuries                                         Page 58
                               403-10 Work-related diseases
                               GRI 404 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2016
                               103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                           Page 39, 40, 41
                GRI 103
                Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                             Page 67,68
                Approaches 2016
                               103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                         Page 67,68
                               404-2 Talent management and lifelong learning supporting employee development  Page 67,68

      106      GRI 102 - 55
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