Page 109 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 109

GRI 200-300-400 KONUYA ÖZEL STANDARTLAR 2016                             2021   SUST

                        GRI 405 DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 2016
                        103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                          Page 39, 40, 41
         GRI 103
         Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                            Page 61-64           AINAB
         Approaches 2016
                        103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                        Page 61-64
         GRI 405 Diversity
         and Equal      405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and personnel                 Page 65              ILIT
         Opportunity 2016
                        GRI 412 HUMAN RIGHTS AUDIT 2016
                        103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                          Page 39, 40, 41      Y REPO
         GRI 103                                                                           Page 25, 32, 33, 42,
         Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                            51, 67               R
         Approaches 2016                                                                   Page 25, 32, 33, 42,   T
                        103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
                                                                                           51, 67
         GRI 412 Human   412-1 Operations subject to human rights review or impact analysis  Page 25, 33, 42, 51
         Rights Audit 2016   412-2 Training provided to employees on human rights policies and procedures  Page 67
                        GRI 413 LOCAL COMMUNITIES 2016
                        103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                          Page 39, 40, 41
         GRI 103
         Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                            Page 61, 63
         Approaches 2016
                        103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                        Page 61,63
         GRI 413 Local    413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact analysis, and development schemes  Page 61, 63
         Communities 2016

                        GRI 414 SUPPLIER SOCIAL ASSESSMENT 2016
                        103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                          Page 39, 40, 41
         GRI 103
         Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                            Page 33, 42, 51
         Approaches 2016
                        103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                        Page 33, 42, 51
         GRI 414 Supplier
         Social Assessment   414-1 New suppliers audited on social criteria                Page 33, 42, 51

                        GRI 416 Customer Health and Safety 2016
                        103-1 Key priorities and their boundaries                          Page 39, 40, 41
         GRI 103
         Management     103-2 Management approaches and annexes                            Page 80, 81, 82
         Approaches 2016
                        103-3 Evaluation of the management approach                        Page 80, 81, 82

                        416-1 Percentage of major product and service categories where the effects on health and safety are   Page 26, 27
                        evaluated for improvement

                                                                                            During the reporting
         GRI 416 Customer                                                                    period, there was
         Health and Safety                                                                  no noncompliance
         2016                                                                               with regulations or
                        416-2 Noncompliance incidents involving the health and safety implications of products and   voluntary standards
                        services                                                              governing the
                                                                                             health and safety
                                                                                             implications of
                                                                                              products and

                                                                                                  GRI 102 - 55  107
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112