Page 23 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 23

TECHNICAL                                                                                     2021   SUST

                  TEXTILES YARNS                                                                                ILIT

                  At Gülipek Tekstil,                                                                           Y REPO

                  the fibers used as                                                                            R
                  raw materials during                                                                          T
                  yarn production are
                  selected specially.

                                                           Fibers that minimize the consumption of natural resourc-
                                                           es during production activities and are produced with
                                                           less water consumption compared to traditional fibers
                                                           are preferred. Preferred fibers have high light-fastness
                                                           and fastness to weathering, which enables long-lasting

                                                           No chemicals are used during yarn production, aiming
                                                           to maximize water and energy efficiency. Our company
                                                           brings the fibers to the maximum plying point to give
                     While improving                       the yarn the highest strength and durability. In this way,

                     resource                              the service life of the product is increased, contributing
                     management at                         not only to our resource management but also to the
                                                           resource and waste management of our customers.
                     Gülipek Tekstil,
                     our customers
                     also contribute to

                     waste and resource

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