Page 27 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 27


                 OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS                                                                            2021   SUST

                                                                                                                Y REPO
                  As Gülipek Tekstil, we realize                                                                R
                  responsible production with

                  our 70 years of experience and
                  strong teamwork. We support
                  sustainability in all areas and
                  continue to be a pioneer in
                  sustainable production in the
                  textile industry.

                  •   RCS, OCS, FSC, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001
                     Certificates renewed.
                  •   Our SLCP Verification and Higg FEM
                     Verification scores were increased, and
                     the process was successfully completed.
                  •   Our Carbon Footprint Calculation has
                     been verified in line with ISO 14064-
                     1:2018. The Carbon Management and
                     Strategy Development Report was
                     verified and found to be at the “absolute
                     assurance” level.

                         In the 2021 Among the
                         companies registered to Istanbul
                         Textile and Raw Materials
                         Exporters Association;

                         In the 2021 Uludağ Exporters
                         Association FOBUSD Ranking;


                                                                                       GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 412-1  25
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