Page 118 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2022
P. 118
In line with the principles
of environment and
sustainability, with the
increasing signs of global
climate change, we
continue our efforts in our
businesses with the net
zero carbon target in order
to further emphasize
our environmental
responsibilities and
contribute to the goal of
limiting global warming
to 1.5°C.
There are 9 emission sources in our Dyehouse EMISSION MEASUREMENT
factory. Emission sources include major emission EXPENDITURES
points such as process stacks, ventilation, and in- The Bursa Provincial Directorate of Environment,
cineration stacks. These emission sources include Urbanization and Climate Change, PLEB (Provin-
parameters such as CO (Carbon Monoxide), NOx cial Local Environmental Board) issued a letter
(Oxides of Nitrogen), SOx (Oxides of Sulfur), dust, requesting all textile businesses to measure oil
and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) generated vapor in RAM chimneys. Within the scope of this
as a result of the processes. The relevant emission decision, oil vapor measurements were carried out
parameters are managed so as not to exceed the in 2 RAMs in our Dyehouse factory in the report
limit values specified in regulations and standards year.
in order not to threaten human health and the
Substantial steps have been taken to reduce and EMISSION MEASUREMENT
control emission values. In order to install an EXPENDITURES BY YEARS
aqueous filter on a RAM chimney in our facto-
ry and to encourage environmentally friendly 2022
production by filtering and controlling emissions, ₺25.000,00
we cooperated with Bursa Provincial Directorate
of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change 2021 ₺24.455,00
and Uludağ University’s Environmental Engineer-
ing Department. Additionally, dust emissions are 2020 ₺20.705,00
effectively controlled by using cyclone hoop dust
filters in other machines in our factory. The envi-
ronmental measures we take aim to minimize the 2019
environmental impact of our businesses and re-
flect our sensitivity to the environment. We thus 2018 ₺14.540,00
contribute to environmentally friendly practices
by supporting a sustainable production process. ₺- ₺5.000,00 ₺10.000,00 ₺15.000,00 ₺20.000,00 ₺25.000,00 ₺30.000,00
114 GRI 2-23, GRI 2-24, GRI 2-27, GRI 201-1, GRI 3-3