Page 29 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 29

                  The self-assessment criteria were completed,   highest in the industry, demonstrating that our   2021   SUST
                  and the verification process was carried out by   roadmap was developed with proper management
                  authorized institutions, in order to measure the   and strategy. Gülipek Tekstil is one of the leading
                  environmental and social performance of the   companies in its industry because it is always   Y REPO
                  dyeing factory for 2021. As a result of the audit,   innovative, productive, environmentally friendly,
                  our environmental and social performance scores   and respectful.                             R
                  have risen year after year and are now among the                                              T

                      OUR HIGG FEM SCORE

                       Environmental     Energy            Water             Waste                  2020
                       Management                                                                 SCORES
                        Self              Self              Self              Self
                               97%              100%              100%                81%

                        Verified          Verified          Verified          Verified
                              100%              100%              100%                81%         FEM Score

                       Wastewater        Air               Chemicals
                        Self              Self              Self
                               67%              100%               76%                            FSLM Score
                        Verified          Verified          Verified                              76,3
                               75%              100%                73%

                               89%               90%
                         Total Self     Total Verified

                      OUR HIGG FSLM SCORE

                       Recruitment &   Working      Wages &       Worker        Worker              2021
                       Hiring        Hours          Benefits      Treatment     Involment         SCORES
                        Self          Self          Self           Self          Self
                         100.0%         100.0%         96.6%          99.5%          91.8%

                        Verified      Verified      Verified       Verified      Verified         FEM Score
                         100.0%          86.4%         94.9%          99.5%          91.8%          90

                       Health &      Termination    Management    Above &
                       Safety                       Systems       Beyond
                        Self          Self          Self           Self
                           97.9%        100.0%         84.2%          28.8%                       FSLM Score
                        Verified      Verified      Verified       Verified
                           93.5%        100.0%         84.2%          34.5%

                               87,9%               86,5%
                         Total Self       Total Verified

                                                                                                    GRI 416-1   27
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