Page 5 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 5

                                      AS GÜLİPEK TEKSTİL, WE PRESENT OUR PERFORMANCE                            2021   SUST
                                      IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, AND
                                      ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS WITH                              Y REPO
                                      OUR SUSTAINABILITY REPORT, WHICH WE PUBLISHED FOR

                                      THE 2ND TIME THIS YEAR.                                                   R
                                      WE ARE DELIGHTED TO SHARE WITH YOU OUR WORK,
                                      GOALS, DEVELOPMENTS, AND PERFORMANCE WITH OUR
                                      PRINCIPLE OF TECHNOLOGY-ORIENTED PRODUCTION
                                      THAT RESPECTS THE ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE.

                                      In order to present the activities of   accepted reporting standards have
                                      the Dyeing, Weaving, and Spinning   also been utilized in the preparation
                                      factories within Gülipek Tekstil    process of the report.
                                      between January 1, 2021, and
                                      December 31, 202,1 are included in our   Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3, Scope
                                      report.                             4, and Scope 6, which include three
                                                                          factories within Gülipek Tekstil and
                                      Our report is prepared in compliance   are audited in the reports we have
                                      with GRI Standards and the GRI      been publishing since 2019 and by
                                      Standards’ principles of materiality,   the Accredited Body, have been
                                      stakeholder engagement, sustainability   verified according to ISO 14064-
                                      scope, and completeness are taken   1:2018 Standard. As a result of the
                                      into account when creating a roadmap   verification audit, the margin of error
                                      on Strategic Sustainability issues.  for the calculation is less than 5% and
                                                                          the report is accepted at a Reasonable
                                      The content of the report is        Assurance Level.
                                      determined in accordance with the
                                      sustainability surveys, stakeholder   We intend to complete the
                                      surveys, annual targets, FGD Meetings,   Sustainability Report, which will
                                      stakeholder requests and demands,   continue to be published annually, in
                                      and the baseline guidance set out   the first half of 2022.
                                      in the GRI Standards reporting
                                      guidelines without any limitations and
                                      applicable for all operations. The UN
                                      Global Compact Communication on
                                      Progress (COB), International Labor
                                      Organization (ILO), the Greenhouse
                                      Gas Protocol by the World Resources
                                      Institute (WNI) and internationally

                                                                  GRI 102 - 45, GRI 102 - 46, GRI 102 - 50, GRI 102 - 52, GRI 102 - 54  3
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