Page 6 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 6


                                                              We have prepared our 2 main 2 transition
                                                              collections, which we started working on in
                                                              2021 with our Spanish consultant and which are
                                                              almost 100% sustainable, more in line with market
                                                              demands, more sensitive to the environment and
                                                              more appropriate for the sustainability headings.
                                                              We added new markets to our existing portfolio,
                                                              particularly Japan, Canada, and Australia, and had
                                                              a productive and delightful year. We realized much
                                                              more than our targeted growth with the right
                                                              collection, fast service, and the right timing,
                                                              Under the leadership of our General Production
                                                              Director, we initiated a project called “suggestion
               ALİ GÜLGEÇ                                     of the month”, in which we evaluated and put into
               Chairman                                       practice the business development suggestions of
                                                              our teammates in each department in all factories
                                                              with the topics of energy, water saving, and OHS.
               As we left 2021 behind, once again struggling   With our projects, energy-saving efforts, and Higg
               with the difficult conditions created by the   Index scores, we managed to be one of the best in
               pandemic, we better perceived the importance of   our region.
               sustainability with environmental impacts such as
               the decrease in water resources, extreme weather   In the reporting year, we achieved a 54% growth
               events, and natural disasters, which are a result   in our exports, an average of 18.6 million euros in
               of the effects of climate change. Disruptions in   total turnover, and 31% growth on a euro basis.
               the supply chain and logistics problems, especially   We aim to grow by 40% in our exports and 30%
               as a result of quarantines around the world,   in our total turnover in foreign currency in 2022
               emphasized the importance of proper supply     with the commissioning of additional air dyeing
               management. We set our goals and took swift    machines (air-jet) in the dyeing-finishing section
               actions acknowledging that the business world is   and additional ring and ply twisting machines in the
               evolving and moving forward with environmental,   yarn section, which are among our 2022 targets
               social, and corporate governance at its core,  and whose budget has been approved

               Furthermore, the year was also marked by rising   In addition to these investments, with our new
               inflation around the world. The impact of the   spinning factory, which we aim to commission
               increases in global inflation and energy costs,   in June 2023, we will get closer to our export
               which we expect to continue for a while, has   increase target and our company’s goal of entering
               been mitigated by the project titles mentioned   the “2025 Turkey top 1000 industrial enterprises
               in the report. In the first quarter of the reporting   list”
               year, we completed all the investments we had
               decided to undertake, especially in the areas of   With the awareness that the most important
               renovation, energy saving, and recycling. Using our   power that will carry our company Gülipek to the
               investments amounting to 1.2 million euros, which   future is our colleagues, I would like to thank our
               we realized mainly in our dyeing and finishing   customers, business partners, Gülipek team and
               facility, we have increased our sustainability   all other stakeholders who have not left us alone
               efforts in the areas of quality and energy saving.    in this process. I hope you enjoy reading our 2nd
               Moreover, we have taken an important step as a   Sustainability Report.
               company to meet the need for renewable energy
               sources with our rooftop Solar Energy System   Regards,
               projects, which we received licenses in 2021 and
               plan to commission in the 2nd half of next year.
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