Page 7 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 7

        GENERAL PRODUCTION DIRECTOR                                                                             2021   SUST

                                                                reduce the use of resources, which has always been
                                                                Gülipek’s primary objective, new generation dyeing   AINAB
                                                                machines were procured and digitalization channels
                                                                were increased.                                 ILIT
                                                                Regarding the social sustainability topics, the results
                                                                of the annual employee satisfaction, customer
                                                                satisfaction and sustainability surveys, as well as the   Y REPO
                                                                suggestions and demands of our colleagues, were
                                                                evaluated and new objectives and working topics
                                                                were determined. As a result of the action taken for   R
                                                                these topics, the annual HIGG FSLM and HIGG FEM
                                                                audit scores were achieved with high ratings.
                                                                Regarding the environmental sustainability topics,
                                                                it is concentrated on reducing emission impact
                                                                values and implementing energy and water-saving
                  HAKAN TURBİL                                  projects. Greenhouse gas emissions, one of the
                  General Production Director                   highest emission values in the textile industry, were
                                                                calculated, and a report on carbon footprint and
                                                                strategy development was published. Not only did
                  The coronavirus pandemic that broke out in 2020   we minimize our carbon footprint, which we assess
                  and the omicron variant that emerged later led to   annually and set an objective to reduce, but we also
                  uncertainties and changes in economic balances   engaged in offsetting activities and planted 1,330
                  both in our country and in the world in 2021. Over   trees in Bursa in accordance with this objective.
                  a year spent struggling to overcome the impacts of   In 2022, we will continue our commitment to
                  the pandemic, the world has once again witnessed   carry sustainability to future generations through
                  how important it is for companies to have a flexible,   targeted projects and new investments. When
                  dynamic, and strong management structure.
                                                                the 8 projects developed within the scope of this
                  In 2021, it became evident to everyone that the   vision are realized, we will carry our company, and
                  risk of the world facing greater disasters as a   therefore our country, to a higher level in all areas
                  result of the negative effects of the pandemic,   of sustainability. We will take steps to support all
                  natural disasters such as fires and floods due to   economic, social, and environmental sustainability
                  global warming, and the increase in the amount of   topics with our new spinning factory investment,
                  greenhouse gas emissions was an incontrovertible   which is among our objectives. With our new
                  fact. Türkiye joined the Paris Climate Agreement   factory, which will generate employment in the
                  signed by the world’s nations in an attempt to   investment region, and our objective to construct
                  reduce the detrimental impacts of global warming.   a green building project, we will also increase our
                  When evaluating other agenda items in terms of the   efforts in the field of environmental sustainability.
                  global economy, it was discovered that unfavorable   Moreover, a pre-treatment factory is planned to
                  events were having an increasingly negative impact   be established in 2022 to use the wastewater in
                  on economic parameters. Persistently high inflation   production at our dyeing factory. Thus, the need
                  has generated the possibility of even greater   for clean water in manufacturing will be minimized,
                  catastrophes, such as skyrocketing food prices,   and we will contribute to articles 6 and 12 of
                  inaccessibility to food, and exorbitant energy prices.   sustainability.
                  I am delighted to present to you, our stakeholders,   With its sustainability efforts, Gülipek will continue
                  the 2021 Sustainability Report, which covers   to generate value for our country and the world
                  sustainability topics, including social, economic, and   and develop more sustainable products and
                  environmental impacts and the activities conducted   processes with the contributions of our employees,
                  in these areas to manage and reduce these risks.
                                                                customers, and stakeholders. Regarding that,
                  In economic sustainability performance, which is   we would like to thank all our stakeholders for
                  the first of the sustainability topics, our priority   providing us with daily support and presenting you
                  was again to procure sustainable raw materials,   with our sustainability report.
                  dyestuffs, and chemicals. By reducing the
                  consumption of natural resources through process   Regards,
                  improvement and energy studies, the goal of
                  sustainable profitability was achieved. In order to

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