Page 94 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 94


               AND WE ARE READY

               THE EUROPEAN

               GREEN DEAL

               In keeping with its obligations to address the
               climate catastrophe, the European Union
               wants to boost resource efficiency, restore
               biodiversity, and reduce pollution by 2050
               through a transition to a clean, circular
                                                              WHAT DOES GÜLIPEK
               The action plans aim to reduce carbon
               emissions, decarbonize the energy sector,      TEKSTİL DO?
               invest in environmentally friendly technology,
               promote production innovation, and reduce      As Gülipek Tekstil, our Green Deal projects began
               reliance on resource use; no region or         in 2019 in response to global warming. Since 2019,
               community should fall behind in meeting        the carbon footprint quantities arising from our
               these objectives.                              manufacturing activities have been calculated,
                                                              reduction targets have been established, and a
                                                              plan development report has been prepared. The
               WHAT IS GOING                                  Gülipek Grove was established as a result of the
               ON AROUND THE                                  research, and each year, saplings are donated to
                                                              the Aegean Forest Foundation to offset carbon
               WORLD?                                         emissions.

                                                              In keeping with the value, we place on renewable
               Regional and national legislative              energy sources, the Spinning factory began to
               developments, including limits on carbon       receive I-REC Certificates in 2019 and the Dyeing
               taxation and trading, are projected to         factory in 2021, and the power utilized is supplied
               accelerate. Sub-strategies outlined in the EU   by renewable sources in both locations.
               Green Deal framework, such as sustainable
               finance, circular economy, renewable energy,   We are expanding our initiatives and getting better
               and biodiversity, are expected to be regulated.  every day in order to reduce resource use. The
                                                              decision was made in 2023 to make our spinning
                                                              factory, which is scheduled to open in 2023, a
                                                              green factory by getting a LEED Certificate.

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