Page 99 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 99

Project20             2021   SUST

                   RAINWATER HARVESTING

                   Projected Date: 2021
                   Actions: Rainwater began to be used in the manufacturing                                     AINAB
                   line as an example of good practice in the dyeing factory. This
                   method will also be implemented in weaving and spinning                                      ILIT
                   Environmental:                                                                               Y REPO
                   •   Water savings                                                                            R



                   REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM

                   Projected Date: 2022
                   Hedeflenen Actions: By adding a reverse osmosis unit to the dyeing factory’s steam boiler, solid and
                   crystalline deposits in the water will be avoided, and the boiler’s heat will be maintained. 10 m3/day of water
                   will be recovered at the dyeing factory.
                   In 2020, a reverse osmosis unit was installed in the spinning factory to be used during water treatment in the
                   treatment unit. Our employees proposed that 50% of the water used in the reverse osmosis unit could not be
                   processed and that 50% of the untreated water be reused by returning it to the unit as the idea of the month.
                   The project will be implemented in 2022, saving 2.5 m /day of water.
                   •   12,5 m /day water saving



                   Projected Date: 2022
                   Hedeflenen Actions: Initiatives to use recycled water in the Dyeing
                   factory’s manufacturing line have been established as part of
                   attempts to stop the consumption of natural resources. JAR tests,
                   water analyses, and fabric dye trials were all done as part of the
                   initiatives. Tests to use the water treated at the S.S. Yeşil Çevre
                   Wastewater Treatment Plant in the manufacturing line after passing
                   through chlorine dosing, filtration, and activated carbon units were started in order to
                   reduce chemical usage.
                   •   Chemical saving
                   •   %40 water saving

                                                                        GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 303-1, , GRI 303-2, GRI 303-5  97
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104