Page 95 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 95

According to 89% of our                     2021   SUST
                                                                    employees and stakeholders
                                                                    who participated in the
                                                                    sustainability assessment...                AINAB
                                                                    Efforts to reduce
                                                                    greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                    (carbon emissions) are                      ILIT
                                                                    sufficient at Gülipek.                      Y REPO

                  CARBON MANAGEMENT AND                                                                         R

                  STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT

                  In 2019, we will continue to pub-             14064: 2018 Standard. Scope - 5 is not included in

                  lish our annual “Carbon Manage-               the assessment because our companies’ products
                                                                are processed in garment workshops before reach-
                  ment and Strategy Development                 ing the end consumer directly.
                  Report,” which we began by ana-               Our  Carbon  Management  and  Strategy  Develop-

                  lyzing the carbon emissions of the            ment Report, as well as our activities, have been
                  Dyeing factory and will expand to             audited by an accredited verification authority,
                                                                and the margin of error of the report and
                  include the Weaving and Spinning              computation has been verified to be less
                  factories beginning in 2020.                  than 5% and within the reasonable as-
                                                                surance range.
                  Our report follows ISO standards for calculation
                  and reporting. Our 2019 and 2020 reports incor-
                  porated Scope - 1, Scope - 2, and Scope - 3. The
                    calculations for the relevant reporting year have
                        been computed based on Scope - 1, Scope
                           - 2, Scope - 3, Scope - 4, and Scope -
                               6, and the calculations for 2019
                                   and 2020 have been altered
                                      in accordance with the
                                          revision of the ISO

         For the Carbon Footprint
         Report, click here.

                                                                                             GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3  93
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100