Page 37 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 37

                                                SUSTAINABILITY                                                  2021   SUST
                                                MANAGEMENT                                                      Y REPO


                  Managing sustainability topics,               Our sustainability strategy, which is prepared to   T
                                                                create a positive impact in the entire value chain in
                  setting targets, creating, and                line with our strategic goals created by considering
                  monitoring actions, and making                the environment, society, and stakeholder benefit
                  final decisions on necessary                  during our production activities, is implemented,
                                                                and disseminated in all our operations.
                  investments are the responsibility
                  of the General Production                     Our sustainability management model is based on
                                                                ethical, fair, and transparent management prin-
                  Director and Sustainability and               ciples. The Sustainability Committee, which was
                  Industrial Relations Manager with             established in 2020 and is under the supervision of
                                                                the General Production Director, actively works on
                  the approval of the Executive                 establishing strategies in the field of sustainability,
                                                                setting goals and policies, monitoring, evaluating,
                  Board.                                        and auditing performance, and identifying alterna-
                                                                tives. While forming the Sustainability Committee,
                  The Sustainability and Industrial Relations Manager   the departments that will play an active role in the
                  informs all employees on sustainability issues. The   committee were identified, the responsible man-
                  Sustainability and Industrial Relations Manager is   agers were included in the committee, and it was
                  responsible for the execution of all transactions on   determined that the Sustainability and Industrial
                  sustainability issues before the Executive Board   Relations Manager would best serve the authority
                  and the General Manager of Production.        and coordination.

                             MESSAGE FROM OUR STAKEHOLDERS!

                              Gülipek is a forward-thinking, strong, and pioneering company that has proven itself in both
                              environmental and social areas while remaining open to development and innovation. We
                              believe that with their detailed and innovative approach, which occasionally surprises even
                              their customers, their respect for nature, and their highly professional teams, particularly
                              in all matters related to sustainability, they will go further day by day and make a name for
                              themselves with projects that will make us all proud. We are eagerly awaiting the upcoming
                              Sustainability Report of Gülipek, one of our most special stakeholders that we know we
                              can trust in every matter and that we are proud to be partners with. We hope that more
                              companies like Gülipek that give importance to sustainability issues will grow day by day.

                              Sanem Tanrıyar
                              Bolero Tekstil Sustainability Officer

                                                                                      GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 308-1  35
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