Page 35 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 35

Under the sustainability                        2021   SUST
                                                                perspective, Gülipek Tekstil creates            ILIT
                                                                social and environmental value
                                                                beyond creating economic value
                                                                with all its key stakeholders.                  Y REPO

                                                                BUSINESS ETHICS                                 T

                                                                Business Ethics Principles are the
                                                                foundation of our business struc-

                                                                ture at Gülipek Tekstil. These prin-
                                                                ciples are expected to be followed
                                                                by all our stakeholders.

                                                                Audits are performed to ensure that our suppliers
                                                                follow business ethics and human rights regu-
                                                                lations. Training is organized to raise employee
                                                                awareness of bribery, child and youth labor, equal-
                                                                ity, decent work, and anti-corruption, which are

          According to 69% of our employees                     among the fundamental elements of our Code of
                                                                Business Ethics.
          who took part in the employee
          satisfaction survey...                                Beyond the laws, regulations, decrees with the

          My ideas and opinions are                             force of law, customer demands, and procedures
                                                                that are decisive in all our decisions and activities,
          valued in Gülipek.                                    Human Rights and ethical rules are a guideline for
                                                                our company.



                                                                All our current and potential activities and
                                                                transactions in Türkiye and abroad are conducted
                                                                in accordance with local and international laws.
                                                                Our goal is to provide a working environment that
                                                                is 100% compliant with all laws we are subject to.

                                                                During the reporting period, no financial or
                                                                administrative penalty was received for non-
                                                                compliance with environmental laws and

                                                             GRI 102-15, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 205-1, GRI 308-1, GRI 412-1, GRI 414-1  33
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