Page 39 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 39

ONLINE SURVEY PLATFORM                                                                        2021   SUST
                  FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS

                  Following meetings held by the Sustainability Team and Senior Management, our key stakeholders are   AINAB
                  identified and grouped. Following the Sustainability Survey conducted every year with the participation
                  of our key stakeholders, the topics communicated by our key stakeholders are forwarded to the
                  Sustainability and Industrial Relations Manager. Under the management of the Sustainability and   ILIT
                  Industrial Relations Manager, the Sustainability Team analyze the survey results. According to the 2021
                  survey results;

                  •   Research and development activities                                                       Y REPO
                  •   Promoting the use of renewable energy sources                                             R
                  •   Employee satisfaction                                                                     T
                  •   Encouraging training and development of employees
                  •   Offer products that encourage environmental protection

                                                                                        Senior Management
                      As a result of our   The opinions of our                         and the Sustainability
                      observations and   Employees, Stakeholders,   The results were   Committee organized
                   research, potential study   Suppliers and Agencies   analyzed.      meetings and an action
                    topics were identified.  were received.
                                                                                        plan was developed.

                  Gülipek Tekstil prioritizes employee satisfaction,   company was founded, informing them about our
                  motivation, and loyalty to the company and    activities in parallel with the rate of interaction
                  conducts an employee satisfaction survey at the   with them.
                  end of each year. The results of the Employee
                  Satisfaction Survey are compared with the results   The data obtained from the surveys were analyzed
                  of surveys conducted in previous years and actions   in detail and divided into three categories: low,
                  are taken as a result of the analysis of the results   moderate, and high importance levels. While
                  and employees are informed about the actions   analyzing survey results;
                  taken.                                        The actual or potential impact of material issues

                  While conducting our business objectives, we   on workflow,
                  aim to ensure that all our stakeholders benefit   The issues of priority for our stakeholders and our
                  positively from our activities. We have been   activities in previous years on the subject were
                  meeting with all our stakeholders on various   evaluated.
                  communication platforms since the day our

                                                  Stakeholders and Consumer

                                    Stakeholder value                   Consumer Health

                                                                                  GRI 102 - 42, GRI 102 - 43, GRI 102 - 44  37
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