Page 36 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 36


               AND THEIR


               Under the supervision of the General           ISO 14001:2015
               Production Manager of our company;             Environmental
                                                              Management System
               •   A Sustainability Committee,                Standards have been

               •   A Chemical Management Committee            effectively utilized since
                                                              2020 for increasing sustainable
                                                              impact, solid, liquid, and gas waste
               •   An OHS Committee exists.                   management, energy, and water
                                                              management. Environmental Risk
                                                              Assessments and dimension analyses
               Committees organize meetings at specified time   are prepared and evaluated, and
               intervals and evaluate performance results.    actions are taken by setting targets to
                                                              reduce current consumption.
               Chemical Management Committee is responsible
               for managing the dyes and chemicals used in our   All documents used in the internal and
               company according to RSL, MSRL, REACH, ZDHC,   external management of our company fulfill
               and customer lists.                            the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality
                                                              Management Standards and their accountability is
               Gülipek Tekstil carries out the production process   checked.
               in accordance with ZDHC (Zero Discharge of
               Hazardous Chemicals), Oeko - Tex Standard 100,
               RCS (Recycled Claim Standard), and OCS (Organic
               Content Standard) and FSC (Forest Stewardship     According to 81.9% of our employees
               Council) specifications.                          who took part in the employee
                                                                 satisfaction survey...
                                                                 I am satisfied with my
                                                                 supervisors in my department.

       34      GRI 102-12, GRI 102-22, GRI 103-2
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