Page 51 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 51

MATERIAL                                                                                      2021   SUST

                  MANAGEMENT                                                                                    AINAB

                  TOTAL	IN	2021                                                                                 ILIT

                                                                                                                Y REPO

                      2.843.388,67 m.  FABRIC	CONSUMPTION  470.142,13 kg.  FIBER	CONSUMPTION  1.295.141,29 kg.  CHEMICAL	CONSUMPTION  279.843,71 kg.  YARN	CONSUMPTION  22.964,65 kg.  PAINT	CONSUMPTION

                  The raw materials used                                   To achieve sustainable production
                                                                           at Gülipek Tekstil, all materials used
                  in the Dyeing, Weaving,                                  during production are carefully
                  and Spinning factories                                 selected and used, and raw material
                  are fabric, fiber, and                               selection is made with a focus on

                  yarn, while dyes and                               sustainability, living, and natural health.
                  chemicals are used                                Our company achieves its goals in terms of
                                                                    sustainable production by adhering to FIFO
                  as auxiliary                                           Management and making the most
                  materials in the                                        efficient use of raw materials and

                  Dyeing factory.                                                      auxiliary materials.

                                                                                             GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3  49
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