Page 53 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 53


                                                                    According to 86,1% of our                   2021   SUST
                                                                    customers who took part in the              Y REPO
                                                                    Customer Satisfaction survey...

                                                                    Gülipek follows the                         R
                                                                    business process from
                                                                    beginning to end.

                 Our purchasing strategy is based on                       MESSAGE FROM OUR
                 sustainable material procurement,                         STAKEHOLDERS!

                 with the goal of meeting the
                 increased demand in the textile                           CHT Türkiye supports sustainability
                 industry as a result of diminishing                       goals and ideals throughout the
                                                                           supply chain by incorporating
                 natural resources and global warming                      the term “sustainability” into
                 in a safe and sustainable manner,                         all its activities. It is undeniable,
                 while also leaving a livable world for                    especially when it comes to resource
                                                                           consumption, how important each
                 future generations.                                       corrective action is in the sequence
                                                                           of raw materials, semi-finished
                                                                           products, finished products, and end
                 We encourage our stakeholders to be on the approved
                 supplier list, and those who are not, to participate      users. The goals and improvements
                 in the international certification process. Training is   reported in Gülipek’s multi-faceted
                 provided to our suppliers to raise their awareness of     sustainability studies are in line with
                                                                           CHT’s sustainability approach. This
                 sustainable management and environmental issues,          approach, which considers many
                 and their compliance with the supply chain is regularly   economic, environmental, and social
                 audited. All social, environmental, and ethical principles,   impacts, is a comprehensive way to
                 particularly occupational health and safety, human        build the future.
                 rights, decent working conditions, no child labor, equal
                 rights and equal salaries, anti-corruption, anti-         We would like to congratulate
                 bribery, efficient use of natural resources, and full     Gülipek for its valuable efforts in
                 compliance with regulations and legislation,              sustainability and state that we are
                 are observed in our audits. Our audits                    always ready to support them in
                 encourage our suppliers to carry out                      sustainable paint, chemical supply
                 improvement activities in order to                        and even energy efficient process
                 eliminate deficiencies in the issues                      applications.
                 identified. While our audits improve
                 Gülipek Tekstil’s quality, they also
                 improve our suppliers’ global                             CHT TÜRKİYE KİMYA SANAYİ
                 competitiveness. Our audits improve                       VE TİCARET A.S.
                 GülipeTekstil’s quality and increase the
                 global competitiveness of our suppliers.

                  GRI 102-9, GRI 102-10, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 412-1, GRI 414-1                             51
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58