Page 55 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 55


                                                                     RCS                                        2021   SUST

                                                                                                                Y REPO
                                                                               It is a standard designed to track   R
                                                                               the recycling content of the end   T
                                                                               product, with a minimum of 5%
                                                                               recycled material content required
                                                                               throughout the supply chain.

                  Active efforts are being made to                   OCS

                  increase the recycled product                                It is a sort of certification
                                                                               that covers the complete
                  content of raw materials used at                             product flow in the supply
                                                                               chain and needs an organic
                  every stage of our operations.                               matter content or percentage
                                                                               ranging from 5% to 100% from
                                                                               raw material, post-harvest
                  It is as important for us that the materials we              processing,
                  use during production are recycled as it is for us           manufacture,
                  to reuse the wastes generated as a result of our             packaging,
                  activities and contribute to the circular economy.           labeling,
                  As a result, most of the waste generated by                  storage,
                  dyeing and weaving factories is recycled. It is              and sales to
                                                                               delivery to the
                  hoped that by 2022, the compactor waste,                     seller.
                  which is the spinning factory’s main production
                  waste, will be recycled and used to make felt and
                  sock yarn. The related explanation is detailed in
                  Project - 24.
                  Since 2019, our company has obtained Recycled                It is a certification that guarantees
                  Claim Standard (RCS) and Organic Content                     no illegal logging or usage of
                  Standard (OCS) certificates, as well as Forest               forest products in accordance with
                  Stewardship Council (FSC-COC) certificates,                  the Forest Stewardship Council
                  with the goal of recycling and environmentally               requirements.
                  friendly production.

                      According to 87.8% of our
                      customers who took part in the
                      Customer Satisfaction survey...
                      We trust the products we
                      purchase from Gülipek.

                                                                                             GRI 301-2, GRI 301-3  53
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