Page 73 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 73

BLUE                                                                                          2021   SUST

                  BOTTLE CAP


                  We joined the Spinal Cord                                                                     AINAB
                  Paralysis Association of
                  Türkiye’s blue bottle cap                                                                     ILIT
                  collection campaign in 2020
                  and designated cap collection
                  sites in our companies. We                                                                    Y REPO
                  continued our commitment in
                  the reporting year, sending caps                                                              R
                  to the association and assisting a
                  disabled individual in receiving a

                                                                FOREST FIRES

                                                                IN ANTALYA -

                                                                RED CRESCENT


                                                                Due to forest fires in the summer of 2021, many
                                                                trees were destroyed, and the soil lost its fertility.
                                                                To assist with the firefighting efforts and to aid
                                                                our citizens who lost their homes, we contacted
                                                                the Red Crescent. According to the list of
                                                                needs produced, we acquired items and offered
                                                                transportation to the relevant locations.


                  TEKSTİL GROVE,

                  AEGEAN FOREST


                  We started in 2019 to decrease the risk of
                  disasters, avert the global climate crisis, and
                  reduce our carbon footprint, and in 2021 we
                  donated 1,330 saplings to the Aegean Forest
                  Foundation. Thus, in Manisa Yunt Mountain, we
                  established the “Gülipek Tekstil Grove”.

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