Page 71 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 71

In Gülipek, we
              believe in equal                                                                                  2021   SUST

              opportunities and

              cooperation.                                                                                      AINAB


                                                                                                                Y REPO



              NUMBER	OF	PEOPLE	PROVIDED	WITH	EDUCATION	AID      The Gülgeç Foundation was launched

                                         64                     in 2017 with the members of
                               53                               Gülipek’s Board of Directors and the
                                                                company-company collaboration in
                                                                order to respond to the demands of
                                                                the environment in which it operates
                                                    6           while attaining all of its triumphs.

                Personelimizin  Personelimizin  İhtiyaç sahibi burs alanİhtiyaç sahibi burs alan  The foundation, which is centered on humanitarian
                                                 Number Of
                                       Number Of
                Students Of Our
                            Students Of
                çocuklarından  çocuklarından lise  üniversite öğrencisi  lise öğrencisi sayısı
                                                 High School
                            Our Personnel
                Personnel That
                üniversite öğrencisi  öğrencisi burs alan  sayısı Students   Students   and socioeconomic benefits such as the principle
                Receive Aid And
                            That Receıve
                burs alan öğrenci  öğrenci sayısı  Receiving   Receiving
                            Aıd And Are
                 Are University
                sayısı: Students  Hıgh School   Education Aid  Education Aid  of sensitivity, equality of opportunity, and equal
                                                                educational chances, supports its employees first
              AMOUNTS	OF	AID	PROVIDED	                          and then those in need.
                                          ₺658.872,00   ₺763.200,00            159 Students received
                                                                               scholarships in 2021.
                                                                               In addition,
                                                                               28 Households received
                       ₺134.643,00   ₺506.026,00                               susbstinence aid,
                                                                               94,000 ₺ food aid,
                                                                               And meal centers received aid
                                                                               amounting to 120,000 ₺.
                     2018      2019     2020      2021
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76