Page 74 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 74


                                                              TREATMENT PLANT -
                                                              THE MOST GENEROUS
                                                              FOOTBALL TEAM

                                                              The S.S. Yeşil Çevre Wastewater Treatment Plant
                                                              held a football tournament among its facilities,
                                                              and Gülipek Tekstil took part in it. Even though
                                                              we were eliminated at the end of the competition,
                                                              we were recognized as the “most generous” team
                                                              because of the way we represented Gülipek in the
                                                              competition’s designated categories.

               FABRIC AID TO ÇORUH                            Defective fabrics that were produced as a
                                                              consequence of waste reduction measures at
               VOCATIONAL AND                                 the dyeing factory were donated to the Çoruh
               TECHNICAL ANATOLIAN                            Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.
                                                              The students’ education and skill development
               HIGH SCHOOL                                    were supported by the provision of fabric for
                                                              their sewing and embroidery workshops.

               OTHER                                          INVESTMENT IN NEW

               PROJECTS                                       MACHINERY FOR THE
                                                              SPINNING FACTORY

                                                              Due to an increase in orders placed at the Spinning
                                                              Factory in 2021, it was decided to invest in new
                                                              machines and add 1 folding, 2 twisting, 3 ring, and
                                                              3 bobbin machines to the production line. The
                                                              machine order was fulfilled, and it is anticipated
                                                              that the machines will begin running in the final
                                                              quarter of 2022.
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