Page 61 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 61

PROPORTION	OF	TOTAL	WORKFORCE	                                                                2021   SUST

                         7   7         7   7                                                                    AINAB

                                                         6                                                      ILIT

                                                                     Due to the number of people in our spinning   Y REPO
                                                                     factory, there is no obligation to form an
                                                                     OHS committee in 2019 - 2020, so the total
                                                                     labor force delivered in the committees in
                                                                     2020 appears as “0”. However, the board
                                                                     was formed by us and met at intervals and
                                                                     the decisions taken were implemented.
                         DYEHOUSE      DOKUMA       SPINNING
                                       2020  2021

                  COVID - 19


                  Since the beginning of the pandemic, our priority   common areas where employees come together
                  has been to take all necessary steps to protect   such as dining halls, taking turns in common
                  the health and well-being of our employees,   areas, disinfection points, covid prevention rules,
                  customers, and society. In this context, in 2021, we   temperature measurements at entrances, easy and
                  took steps to protect our employees by adhering   quick access to masks, and not working without
                  to the regulations, announcements, and circulars   masks because contact, social distancing, and
                  published with crisis management and activities   hygiene are our priority issues.
                  on Covid-19. We have continued measures such
                  as regular disinfection of offices, social facilities,
                  and company vehicles, floor, and seat markings in

                                                                 GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 403-1, GRI 403-6, GRI 403-7, GRI 403-8  59
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66