Page 63 - Gulipek Sustainability Report 2021
P. 63

According to 69.6% of our
                  employees who took part in the
                  Employee Satisfaction survey...                               Employees                       2021   SUST
                  The distribution of work
                  in my department is fair.                          Human Rights         Human Capital         AINAB

                 EMPLOYMENT                                                                                     ILIT

                                                                                                                Y REPO
                  At Gülipek, our priority is to                                                                R
                  provide a healthy and safe                       Regular Performance And Career   2021
                  working environment for our                          Development Reviews
                  employees.                                      NUMBER OF GENERAL MANAGERS        1

                  Gülipek’s vision is to provide a peaceful working   NUMBER OF DIRECTORS           6
                  environment where our employees’ personal
                  and professional development continues and all   NUMBER OF SPECIALISTS            1
                  their rights are protected, with the awareness   WHITE COLLAR                     47
                  that our most valuable capital is human


                                                       GROWTH RATE
                                                       OF FEMALE
                                    %13               EMPLOYEES             203
                                  WHITE-COLLAR                               TOTAL
                                     FEMALE                                EMPLOYERS

                          %31                                                        %12

                          INCREASE IN
                     BLUE-COLLAR FEMALE                                            GROWTH RATE
                         EMPLOYEES                                                 OF EMPLOYMENT

                                   %57                                      %42              NOTE 3: The data is
                                                                                             based on employees
                                RATE OF FEMALE                         EMPLOYMENT FROM       residing in Kestel
                                   MANAGERS            %41                LOCAL PEOPLE       and Gürsu districts
                                                                                             for the Dyeing and
                                                    SOCIAL INCENTIVE                         Weaving factories
                                                                                             and Osmangazi
                                                       INCREASE                              district for the
                                                                                             Spinning factory.

                                                                            GRI 102-8, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3, GRI 401-1, GRI 413-1  61
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68